Wednesday 15 June 2016

Glorious Summer Weather

Last week I jogged the  the West Highland Way, in some glorious summer weather.
 I started at lunchtime on Tuesday having got the train  down to Milngavie.
 The first section to Drymen  I normally find the least inspiring section . However on Tuesday it was delightful. In Mugdock park there were carpets of bluebells .The trees were a brilliant green with deep dark shadows.On the road section the hedgerows were a profusion of wildflowers; pink campion , more bluebells , buttercups and  cow parsley. My main concern on the first day was getting  enough to drink and getting enough salt on board. I stopped at Balmaha shop, the hotel at Rowardennan and at Inversnaid to buy drinks. I really enjoyed running  along  in the sun, but by far the best bit was beyond Rowardennan.By then  the crowds of WHW walkers were gone and I had the trail to myself . It was a beautiful evening, the heat of the day was away but the low sun still shone . The pictures below are from two of the many photos I took.
 At Inversnaid I couldn't resist a half of guiness; by then I was parched and  it tasted delicious ! In previous years when I have done a three day West Highland Way it has always been raining by this point and I normally sleep under a particular rock I know of near Inversnaid . This time I was more concerned by the clouds of midges so I found  a high point  on the path hoping for a breeze off the loch to keep them away. I bedded down in my bag in the middle of the path and  got a few hours sleep.

Day 2 I always find tough . Carrying a sleeping bag ,bivvy bag,spare clothes ,waterproofs, food and  water (and of course sketchbook and paints) makes running just  that little bit harder. I stopped to write in Dario's book ( close to the bothy ) and was glad to see the usual suspects were keeping  up the tradition of writing  there. I didn't linger for long as the  midges were getting  fierce.
Woodland by Loch lomond

I normally get a coffee at Beinglas Farm but on this occasion I was too early ( 7AM), so continued without the stimulation of caffeine. The day started to heat up again as the morning  progressed and by the Crianlarich woodland section I had slowed down considerably. This section is a switchback trail through the forest and  can be fun if one is feeling fit - but I wasn't ! Lack of fitness,sleep and caffeine  were taking there toll and  I was unused to the heat. However a cup of tea , at Strathfillan  sorted me out and  by the time  I got through Tyndrum I was starting  to pick up. I did the last section of the day  much faster than I expected and arrived  at Bridgeof Orchy before midday with 3 hours to spare to catch the train . So I went and  sat in the river for a bit then did a sketch.
I took the afternoon train home for a good feed and  a solid night's sleep in my own bed then got the morning  train back to Bridge of Orchy for day 3. The train fare is far less than paying  for accomodation and  allowed me to leave some of my gear at home . I suppose a purist would have bivvied for a second night but is so much easier running  with a light rucksack.

Unbelievably the third day was hot as well ! Fortunately a brisk breeze kept me cool running . and I had a great time.. Again I had to buy drinks at every opportunity as most of the streams were almost dry .
I arrived in Fort William about 5 minutes to late for the 5.35 train but fortunately Helen was able to pick me up. 
Although I am quite unfit it was a glorious run , Great weather from beginning  to end and the scenery was stunning as always

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