Wednesday, 7 October 2020


 Coronavirus has of course been a disaster for humanity but one little unexpected perk was that I was forced to spend three days on the island of Canna this summer.
 I go there most years for work purposes. It is always a rush to get the everything done in time for the ferry back to Mallaig, However this year due to the corona virus restrictions the ferry service was reduced so it was not possible to get out and  back in one day. Consequently I had to stay for three days and had plenty of time to do the work and explore the island, swim in the sea and even sample the excellent home brewed beer at the cafe. 
Of all the Small Isles Canna is probably my favourite. It is big enough to have remote areas but is small enough to feel intimate. There is plenty of history but it is linked to the present with the Mackinnon family still farming there as they have done for centuries. Around Canna House there is a small wood but there is also bleak moorland, little hills, dramatic cliffs and beautiful beaches. It would be stretching it a bit to say it is Scotland in microcosm, but there is certainly a great variety of landscape for such a small island. None of this quite explains the atmosphere of the place which is so friendly and welcoming. It is difficult to be on Canna and not have a smile on one's face.

The above picture shows some of the dramatic cliffs on the west end of the island.

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