Monday 3 October 2016

Ben Resipole

I thought the weather forecast was bad for last weekend but that was because I only listened to the headline, which referred to the weather in the south of England.For once there was a role reversal and we had sunshine and the south had rain and wind.
 On Saturday we took the Corran ferry across to Ardgour and drove to Resipole. After a quick look round the gallery we climbed Ben Resipole. The weather was unbelievable for the time of year warm and sunny with a mild breeze. Clouds scudded across the sky patterning the hills with shadows. The oakwoods haven't changed colour yet but the bracken on the hills is starting to develop a gorgeous red russet tone.
 The path up to hill is very boggy and much of the time we were wading  through gloop. However as we climbed we were treated to wonderful views of the hills, the coast, and the islands of Muck , Eigg and Rum. We could also see some very distant islands on the horizon which might have been Mingulay, Sandray and Barra.
The last section of the hill was steep and rocky but the panorama from the top was well worth it; mountains lochs,sea and islands as far as the eye could see. We could see the village of Acharacle but apart from that there was no sign of man's impact on the environment.
After we had slipped and slithered our way down I had a quick dip in the loch before meeting some friends in Strontian.
On Sunday it was an equally glorious day and we ran up towards the CIC hut under the north face of Ben Nevis. I sat in the sun and sketched; amazingly it was warm but there were no midges.
The North Face of Ben Nevis

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